Are Cremation Urns Permanently Sealed?

Cremation urns are a vessel typically used after a cremation in order to store the remaining ashes of a loved one. They can come in many different shapes, sizes and materials and are often very important purchases for families who are going through an incredibly difficult and tumultuous time. In this article we will be discussing if cremation urns are permanently sealed as well as how you can permanently seal your cremation urn if it doesn't happen to be.
Do Cremation Urns get Permanently Sealed?
Cremation urns typically come unsealed as they would obviously have to put the ashes inside the urn first. If you purchased your cremation urn directly through a funeral home, the funeral director may offer to have your cremation urn permanently sealed. Some funeral homes would even seal your cremation urn as standard procedure, so it can be quite common to get your cremation urn permanently sealed after the ashes are placed inside. In a lot of cases however, cremation urns will not come permanently sealed and can be opened well after they have been closed.
If you want your cremation urn to be permanently sealed then it is important to speak up and ask your funeral director to do this for you. Even if you purchase your cremation urn from outside of the funeral home such as through Affordable Urns, most good funeral homes will still allow you to access their cremation urn sealing services. It is important to note however that not every cremation urn can be permanently sealed though the case for this is quite rare. The only reason a cremation might not be able to be permanently sealed would be due to a specific type of material used or design that might not be suitable for sealing.
What if you Want to Seal Your Cremation Urn
If the funeral home doesn't offer for you to have your cremation urn sealed, or you just want to accomplish it yourself then here is a handy, step-by-step guide that will tell you all you need to know in order to permanently seal your cremation urn.
Prepare the Area/Gather Materials
You will first want to prepare the area and gather all the materials you'll need to permanently seal your cremation urn. Make sure the area in which you're working is free of any distractions and ideally on a work bench or table without any clutter or other items. You'll also want to make sure that it is free of any foot traffic that can impede or distract you while you complete the task. Gather the materials such as the urn and the sealant you are planning to use. The sealant you want to use should be suitable for the material of the urn so make sure that you read the label of the sealant or glue to make sure.
Place the Ashes Inside
Once you have prepared the area, place the ashes of your loved one inside the urn. Most urns open up simply by unscrewing the lid but some can be a bit different in opening. Once you have opened your urn simply pour the ashes inside. If the opening is too small and you're afraid you'll make a mess, you can use a funnel to avoid this issue.
Apply Sealant
Now once the ashes are inside you'll want to apply the sealant that you've picked up. Apply the sealant liberally on the lid and the surface is in which the lid will touch. Once you have applied the sealant, carefully place the lid on top of the urn and close it as you would normally. For a standard cremation urn this would simply be turning the lid counter clockwise until it is completely closed.
Clean Up
Once the lid has become completely closed and the ashes are inside, remove any sealant that is protruding away from where it needs to be. This would include any sealant that you can see, so clean this up with a paper towel or wet wipe. Pretty much anything will do so long as it removes any residue so as to not make the urn sticky when touched.
Now all you have to do is wait for the sealant to completely take hold. Most sealant products will reach complete adhesion within 24 hours but it is important to check on the packaging to make sure you don't move or try to open the cremation urn before it is completely dry.
Now that you know the ins and outs of sealing a cremation urn, you can decide what is right for you and your family. Affordable Urns provides Australians affordable and unique cremation urns while maintaining the best quality to ensure everyone can have access to a proper way to honour their loved ones memory. If you are looking for an exceptional cremation urn, take a look at our site to find your perfect urn today.